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235 Stories
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For three decades, Abdul Malabari has been an undertaker for unclaimed bodies. But he never thought he would have to bury people whose families wanted…
~ Unknown

With India under lockdown and social distancing being advised to deal with the threat of the coronavirus, an online collective of "Caremongers" is rea…
~ Geeta P

Not only would Vatsal Sharma have to celebrate his 15th birthday during the lockdown, but he would have to do it without his father around. He had gon…
~ Unknown

Doctors in India, like elsewhere, are on the front lines fighting the pandemic, and they are often working around the clock. "The anxiety and stress l…
~ Kaushik B

India has been in lockdown since 25 March. Many people are stuck at home alone, leaving the elderly especially feeling lonely and cut-off from family …
~ Unknown

Veterans quarantined at the Veteran’s Community Living Center at Fitzsimons couldn’t go to the cemetery to pay their respects to their fallen comrades…
~ Kati W

Residential communities in Shanghai have been playing an active role in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus. For example, residents across …
~ Unknown

He arrives at his warehouse at 6:50 am every day. The first thing he and his colleagues do is check their temperatures to ensure they are not running …
~ Unknown