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Hi, I am Arjun Sen; proud father and cancer survivor. I am grateful for the love and caring of friends, family and sometimes even strangers that got me through tough days. But there are days I get sad and worried about all the negativity and divisiveness in news and media around us. Then I realized that simple acts that people do every day brighten the lives of people and fills our life with hope and brightness. I learned the power each of us have, to make the community around us and the world beyond brighter.

That started the 3-1-1 Challenge. Just remember, your actions can make a difference. And together all of us can brighten the world.

FIRST: Connect with three people, people you know, old connections or a stranger. Think, who would be thrilled to simply hear a few words from you.

SECOND: Brighten someone’s day. What can you do to assist someone during their personal challenge, someone who needs your help?

THIRD: Do something nice for yourself. You are your best friend, who will always be there with you till the last day of your life.

You can do it daily, weekly or monthly. Once you complete the 3-1-1 challenge, please share your stories of brightening the world so that others around the world feel good reading it.

Once you complete the 3 1 1 challenge, please share your stories of brightening the world so that others can feel good reading it. Please share the challenge with others. Just act on 3 1 1, in your own way and have fun doing it.

Arjun Sen, Centennial, Colorado
