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Kayaking is the most fun when the river is high and the water is dangerous, according to Marc Nelson. That’s why Nelson and his friends went kayaking …
~ Lisi Merkley

Oroville, CA (June 02, 2020): Sewa International’s Bay Area Chapter distributed hot meals, groceries, masks, and hygiene kits to more than 700 familie…
~ Anonymous

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – A Buffalo man awaiting a heart transplant got a surprise from nurses. Rich Danieu has been at Strong Hospital since January. Shortly…
~ Matt Molloy

My Birthday Celebrates the JCC “I celebrated my birthday on the last day of Passover. I am not normally one to make a big deal about birthdays. But th…
~ Karen Tuvin

Julie Stroyne Nixon and her new husband, Andrew Nixon, were glowing after their wedding. The two were heading to their hotel from the reception when t…
~ Anonymous

Visiting a patient at Stony Brook University Hospital, oncology nurse Maggie Knight noticed the man seemed down. She figured a date night would make h…
~ Anonymous

Sixteen-year-old Madison Hurd had spent the year prepping for prom. She took a part-time job to afford her dress, and helped the student council plan …
~ Anonymous

The relationships that occur between animals and children are tangibly powerful. Something magical happens when kids connect with dogs, cats, horses, …
~ unknown